Landlord gas safety certificates godstone
Landlords have a legal requirement to carry out an annual inspection on all of their properties which utilise gas, to ensure that all gas appliances installed within the property are maintained in a safe condition.
Having problems addressed early can prevent dangerous conditions arising reducing the problem from escalating.
A Brassett plumbing services Godstone offer a comprehensive inspection service in order to help landlords fulfil the legal requirements of the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations (NI) 2004. Should you wish to avail of our services, we will confirm the safe and efficient use of your gas systems by carrying out an inspection in line with the requirements of regulation 36 "Duties of Landlords."
A Landlord Gas Safety Check includes:
Gas soundness test to the complete system from the meter control valve up to and including all appliances within the property.
Visual inspection of exposed pipework to all appliances.
Visual inspection, smoke and spillage test of flue (as appropriate).
Boiler efficiency check including analysis of the flue products to ensure that they are within tolerances and adjustment as necessary.
Checking the operation of safety devices and adjusting as necessary.
Checking the operating pressures and adjusting as necessary.
Assessment of ventilation.
Completion of report and provision of same to landlord to allow compliance with regulation 36(5)a (28-day reporting to tenant).
To book an appointment or to obtain a quotation simply call 0845 555 9595 today .
(We offer reduced rates for landlords conducting multiple inspections.)
Remember us for
- Gas Safety Certificates
- Boiler Safety Certificate
- Gas Fire Safety Certificates
- Gas Hob Safety Certificates
- Cooker Safety Certificates